
有「新諾查丹瑪斯」(New Nostradamus)稱號的英國通靈人帕克(Craig Hamilton-Parker) 對2021年做出很多預言,現在過了七個月,挑些我有興趣的分享討論如下:

Trump TV will be launched and will quickly become popular. A deal will be done with Fox TV to screen Trump TV shows.川普電視台將推出並迅速走紅。福斯電視台會放映川普的電視節目。


If he fails to secure the presidency he will become a voice for change and will expose corruption. 如果川普未能獲得總統職位,他將成為變革的代言人,揭露腐敗。


There will be a tsunami near Japan. We will have major earthquakes in Himalayas, Iran and also America. I predicted the fires in Australia and California last year. This time we have huge floods ahead, dam bursts and some cities flooded. Giant iceberg also causes shipping problems. 日本附近發生海嘯。喜馬拉雅山、伊朗和美國大地震。我們面臨大洪水,大壩決堤,一些城市被洪水淹沒。巨大的冰山導致運輸問題。


A dangerous alliance between Russia and China threatens the USA. They will see the USA as weak. China will try and strengthen its presence in the China sea and threats will be made against Taiwan.俄羅斯和中國結盟威脅美國。他們認為美國很弱。中國將凸顯其在南海的存在,並持續威脅台灣。


There will be worldwide food shortages and homelessness. Civil unrest will increase during 2021.全球將出現糧食短缺和無家可歸情況。內亂加劇。


In 2021 Israel will strike the Iranian Nuclear facilities. They will be supported by Saudi Arabia who will also try to undermine the position of Iran. I feel that this will happen early in the year.以色列將襲擊伊朗核設施,並得到沙烏地阿拉伯支持,會在年初發生。


The world however will return to normality with air travel restored in full by the summer.  There will be two more outbreaks of different virus types. China again will have a new virus outbreak.航空旅行在夏季全面恢復,世界回歸正常。有兩次不同類型病毒爆發。中國將再次爆發新病毒。


Joe Biden will have a short presidency. An illness or accident will stop his presidency short. Biden will be succeeded by a woman. Because of public unrest in the USA, an election will be called early. The above may happen in 2021 though my timing may be faulty.喬拜登的總統任期很短,疾病或事故將使他由一位女性接替。由於美國動盪,將有一次提前選舉,以上可能發生在 2021 年,儘管預測時間點可能有誤。

