Facial Palsy


A friend has been illed for several days and today is his birthday. He got the Facioplegia or Facial Palsy. He told me that it is caused of lacking of rest and too much pressure.

Sometimes I can hardly imagine what makes people so occupied. I know many people are extremely busy, they gear themselves up all the time. But do they never want to take a break or the “break” is no longer enough for them to recover?

I’m glad that I can always take a break, either in physical or mental way. To most ordinary lives, nothing is bigger than one’s health.

Happy birthday to Simone and wish him a really relaxing rest.

在〈Facial Palsy〉中有 0 則留言

  1. 每一天的时间对于每个人都是平等的,关键是看你如何利用它.忙与闲都是相对的,"忙"有时是借口,大多数时是和自身的心境有关.一直感觉您就是一位将工作与休闲合理规划很好的典范.哈哈!这些天您的英文作品写得多,也迫使我加强英文的训练.不过我还是有些懒惰:有些生词本可查阅的,但我觉得只要不太影响文章的理解,就懒于查译.呵呵!另外:到今天,<我,作词家>总算读到您自访的章节了.这本书我每天依顺序只读一位作词人的访问,只是事先在翻阅目录时就对您自访的标题:"不管有没知音,我在创作我自己"所吸引所认同.当然,我不敢用创作自己来形容自己,但我会用你的这句话来时时激励自己:"无论是什么样的困境下".不过今天读了你以第三人称自访后,我在想:也许是你太自谦,也许毕竟是自问自答的原故,你对自己的访问内容似乎过于简单了些.呵呵!不过后记倒写得很吸引我,很实在:一个纤细敏感,也有些爱较真的个性.相比你,我的个性也许敏感少之,但却同样是很爱较真的性格.此书我每天只读一位作词人,这样才易于品味理解.

  2. has been ill for several days,
    he is afflicted w/facial palsy.
    is caused by lack of rest and over stressed.
    I can hardly understand what makes people so preoccupied.
    they grind/wind themselves up all the time.
    either in physical or mental sense.
    To us ordinary folks,nothing is more important than one’s health.


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