When it rains, it pours. 閱讀全文 Murphy's Law2:方法總是有更簡單的
分類彙整: 英文學習
Murphy’s Law1:不管你想做啥,總有別的必須優先處理
Nothing is as easy as it looks. 閱讀全文 Murphy’s Law1:不管你想做啥,總有別的必須優先處理
Sold at the bottom
Clifford Ball, an economist at Vanderbilt University in Nashville, said investors who have time to let the market turn around should just sit tight and wait it out. People who are in or near retirement and whose money wasn’t already in safe investments before the downturn don’t have the luxury of time though. 閱讀全文 Sold at the bottom
see gold
奧運要來了,八月號「Live互動英語」有幾個關於比賽成績的用語。Let’s study with it! 閱讀全文 see gold
be consumed with
The man is consumed with the idea of going abroad. 這人一心想著出國。
原來consume當成「消費、消耗」解,竟然也可以當成「心中被某事、某感覺佔有」解。 閱讀全文 be consumed with