Couch Surfing


Read an article about couch surfing. I knew this before and visited their website once. But the one I have no interest, and secondly, I have no backpacking plan at all.

I know there are many advantages for backpackers. People can make friends with strangers and foreigners, share local visions and life styles, and mostly important, save money.

I am kind of conservative and cautious person. I don’t want to take risk to stay in a stranger’s room overseas. And I prefer live with relatively comfortable facilities.

If I had known himself or herself on the internet, typed or even chatted with and felt comfortable and made sure he or she is trustworthy, I can take a chance.

Otherwise, I’d rather go to a hotel.

在〈Couch Surfing〉中有 0 則留言

  1. LeRong,You probably haven’t heard of a daily commuter scene in SF,it called “CASUAL CAR POOL”.One just stands in line by known corners in the city, to be picked up by a driver,who asks a total stranger ‘going my way?’.This is a daily occurent;mutually beneficial to the driver(avoiding tolls and faster 2 person communter lane),stranger(no long wait at the BART save money/time).
    I’ve yet to hear of any foul play news.Would you be willing to do this leap of faith Monday thru Friday?


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