Murphy’s Law4:遲早,最不湊巧的都會湊在一起

A shortcut is the longest distance between two points.

Society is a mule, not a car. If presses too hard, it will kick and throw off its rider.

Sooner or later, the worse possible set of circumstances is bound to occur.

Any system must be designed to withstand the worst possible set of circumstances.

Everything put together falls apart sooner or later.

在〈Murphy’s Law4:遲早,最不湊巧的都會湊在一起〉中有 1 則留言

  1. A shortcut is the longest distance between two points.我很喜欢这句话,一个捷径是最长期的两点间距。恕我不才不知译得是否正确!但我理解为在达到目标或理想之前需要踏实的努力,一步一步的,只有这样才是实现理想的捷径!乐融哥,太佩服您的学识了,这是真心话,这里成为了我学习的园地!
