
「旁觀他人之痛苦」(Regarding the Pain of Others,麥田文化出版):★★★☆

知名作家、評論家蘇珊桑塔格(Susan Sontag)的晚期作品。看似一篇較長的論述,從頭到尾闡明看多戰爭照片,增強還是減弱人類的同情與正義?促進或無助人類的和平?


在〈陳樂融書評112:旁觀他人之痛苦〉中有 0 則留言

  1. First of all;Sontag last novel was the sequal to her famous ‘On Photography’,she was the intellectual agitator of her time. She questioned again and again the power and miss use of image to inspire fear or foster violence. Sontag tied moral decay to how easily the collective ‘we’ are swayed and desensitized by pictures.

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