How can you discuss a thing even you don’t know?

Sometimes our English conversation ability can’t achieve a better level, the true reason maybe is that we don’t have enogh broad comprehension of what really happens.

Like you read an article about the The Dalai Lama and the recent Tibetan disturbance, but you have no idea about the complicated relationship between China and Tibet in the long history, the fundamental non-violence belief of Tibetan Buddism and the most delicate international situation on this issue, then you cannot master the context of neither the article nor the real news.

When I hold the weekly gathering of English conversation in WSI, I always feel a little disappointed by the lack of the international vision of some members. Though I’m not qualified to my ideal standard, but some partners are much far?behind?of it. The quality of a discussion is not only based on the language ability, but also on the average knowledge and common sense of a person.

Maybe I’m too strict to my partners, but I do hope we all can take most advantage of this practice and push ourselves more.

在〈How can you discuss a thing even you don’t know?〉中有 1 則留言

  1. How can you discuss a thing you don’t even know ?
    說不上來 只是覺得應該這樣寫
    很多習慣用法就是 這樣
    到滿口流利 自己都跟不上的英文口語
    只須四五年 (這不是廢話 那個美國小孩不是這樣)
    我們從國中學英文 到大學畢業 來美國念研究所
    少說十幾年的英文教育 結果說話溝通 連四歲小孩都不如
    只能說 台灣的英語教育方法有待加強
    我想 只有多說多讀多聽 讓自已在那環境 自然而然就順了
