Murphy’s Law5:看來簡單的,其實難

All pluses have their minuses.

One should always prefer the probable impossible to the improbable possible.

The simple explanation always follows the complex solution.

Nothing ever goes away.

If it looks easy, it’s tough.If it looks tough, it’s damn well impossible.

在〈Murphy’s Law5:看來簡單的,其實難〉中有 5 則留言

  1. 謝謝您整理分享,本想翻看之前的單元內容,結果順時間一篇篇的重新接著看,那時的您在趕劇本,好忙啊,三餐起居時間都不規律,真辛苦了。我會接著學習瞭解,晚安。


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