

繼風靡全球的《正義》(JUSTICE: What’s the Right Thing to Do)後,哈佛教授邁可桑德爾(Michael J. Sandel)新作。



在〈陳樂融書評135:錢買不到的東西〉中有 0 則留言

  1. 不管钱买不到折东西会越来越少到什么地步,至少有两样东西,无论什么年代、无论社会发展的有多快,都是钱并非买得到的。

  2. Years ago WGBH ( a public broadcast service affiliate)in conjunction with Harvard University, put out series of programs with panel of noted public figures,giving them ethical;political;economical and religion topics,and posed to members with diverse views,have them debated earnestly,all under subject matters a Harvard professor’s moderation.
    ‘Justice What’s Right Thing to Do’ is available on YouTube,for those who are interested in professor Sandel’s lecture.